18 August, 2011

Portal Wedding rings 3D

So I know this is pretty nerdy, but I felt like modeling something and this seemed like it would be a fun and quick project. Haven't done anything in a while so I didn't want to go crazy.

All credit of the concept goes to ~yuumei -  here

Thanks ~yuumei for the concept and permission to use!

27 July, 2011

Random doodles

Well hello. It's about time for my bi-annual post! And for this momentous occasion, I have for you some random, inconsequential doodles that I did a long tome ago and forgot about till today.

11 January, 2011

So, I haven't updated the blog in quite some time. These are some random animations I've done fairly recently, and some that are pretty old. Not much more to add, except that I hope to keep up with it more in the future~~!

Possibly more to come, when I come across them...

EDIT: The video with Aurora Borealis looks much darker in these low quality videos, and although it was dark to begin with it was readable. I'll probably upload these videos to youtube soon and embed them for higher fidelity.