18 December, 2009


A project that I did not enjoy and could have done better on.

26 November, 2009

More progress....

The scene is getting closer, now all I need to do setting wise is add some muddy spots in the mid-ground and a pole for the swing in the foreground. Once animated, there will be particle effects for smoke coming out of the cottage, and for a mud monster that will rise out of one of the puddles. Oh and the door needs some texture as well.

Also, the clouds will pass by during the animation and the scene will go from happy and bright to a bit more ominous, sort of like the two images below (yellowy tint now fixed). Was messing around and I found that if you rotate the sky box, the HDRI image actually changes the lighting in the scene directionally, based off the image... or something like that. Don't really understand it but it's pretty cool! Also there will be some cloud alphas off screen to cast shadows.

One weird thing that I need to do something about is, from the images below, when it's darker the shadow is darker as well, which is a little odd.

09 November, 2009

2nd Semester Project

So here's the current progress of the scene for second semester, from the image in the post before.

02 November, 2009

Semester 2 pre-pro

So, this is my pre-production so far for the second semester project. As you can see it has kind of moved past 'thumb' stage, which is what was due, and become a full on look and feel. Which I shouldn't be spending my time on, seeing as how I haven't even finished modeling my character for the first semester project. But this was way more fun. Should finish it soon I hope.

BTW, that pole thing in the foreground is part of a swing that the character will be... swinging on. And pretend that there is a door and a window on the cottage and that the roof is made of hay or something and that there is smoke coming out of the chimney. And pretend that the sky is blue.

20 October, 2009

More Prj 300 progress

So the scene is getting closer to being done. Added textures to the light fixture, record player, and candles, as well as worked on the lighting and materials in general. This render is from the part of the scene where the door opens and sheds some hall light in... maybe later before it's finished I'll describe what goes on in the scene. Still need to finish texturing the desk in the back and I need to put in picture frames or posters as well. Then the character.....

19 October, 2009

Prj 300 progress

So after a weekend of constant work, my scene is unwrapped and partly textured. The desk, record player, candles, wine bottle, and ceiling light still need to be textured and I'm thinking about putting in some posters or something on the walls to fill out the room. Also, I plan on creating some little fire shaped objects with some glow on them, since as it is the candle light is coming out from nowhere. The final thing I plan on doing is adding some sparse moon light on the window sill, and reflecting it from the glass and metal objects.

No character model yet, sorry Chun. This schedule is bananas.

16 October, 2009

Ani 300 thingy

I'm retarded right now but I think it's considered an animatic. Blocked in key frames and such, not quite done with the blocking yet.

Photoshop stuff

One for fun, one for Layout class. Both unfinished.

09 October, 2009

Photoshop fun

So I decided to play around in photoshop, something that is not school related. It's been forever since I did a digital study from life and it was really fun. Think I'll be doing this more often! Approximately an hour.

02 October, 2009

Ani 300 work

Right... so here's a video made for Ani 300 in 3D Max. For those not in the know, the point was to animate a solid, inanimate object, with no more than one point of articulation, and to attempt to infuse character and life into it. I would rather create something with a little more intrigue, but I suppose it's a good exercise. I've been hearing by degrees that some employers are actually becoming less interested with walk and run cycles, because they are so prevalent and safe. I'll try to keep that in mind when compiling portfolio pieces in the future!

13 September, 2009

So during the last few weeks of summer, Randall McMeekin and myself filled our time creating this short video as an entry to a CG contest. Unfortunately we were not able to submit it due to complications with the internet, but it was a fun project and good practice. If I have time I would definitely like to take on another contest - they basically involve their own mini production cycle and my last experience was just as helpful as any project I've done at Digipen so far.

The contest was to take a 30 second clip of either an historical speech or song, which were provided, and animate anything to it. It seemed that a theme of the great depression fit well with the clip that we chose, and was fitting for the end goal of the video (the winning video is to be commercial length, run on the History Channel). Again, although we didn't submit, it was a fun experience!

06 July, 2009

A HATCHET! Sorry to those that have seen this before, but I'm pretty happy with my first ZBrush outing.

This is a mask that I made in seventh grade, which I recently liberated from my old highschool.

23 June, 2009

CG275S09 Final

I realized that I never posted this, so here it is. Hopefully I can start having more 3d things to post here, especially since I have more time now than I will during the year...

22 June, 2009

Lifedrawing 06/22/09

So I've gotten tired of searching for a good random quote from the generator. These are from lifedrawing today - I'm glad that Pigeon is back. I've had horrible models the past few times that I've gone...

11 June, 2009

So... I have all this stuff and I haven't posted in a long time, so I'm gonna dump it all right now. Maybe I'll start posting regularly?

20 March, 2009

Why can't the military ban an opera?

Couldn't think of anything to do for flash until the day of. Luckily I pulled this out of my ass and it works. Maybe from now in I shouldn't even try to do my homework until it's do! I know that's probably a horrible idea but I think I'm just as behind now as I would be if I did that. Balls.

02 March, 2009